Saudi Arabia Elevates Pakistan as Key Economic Partner: Al-Mubarak

In a resounding declaration, Ibrahim Al-Mubarak, Assistant Minister of Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), emphasized Pakistan’s pivotal role as a top-tier economic, investment, and business hub for the kingdom.

Speaking at the Pakistan, Saudi Arabia Investment Forum in Islamabad, Al-Mubarak, spearheading the Saudi delegation, underscored the profound significance of the ongoing dialogue. “Today’s visit underscores the criticality of the themes deliberated during our prior engagement,” he articulated.

Highlighting Pakistan’s stature, the Saudi minister hailed it as a “major strategic partner” for Saudi Arabia, rooted in shared values, trust, religious affinity, and cultural ties. “Saudi Arabia takes pride in hosting over two million Pakistanis,” he further noted.

Al-Mubarak outlined Saudi Arabia’s ambitious Vision 2030, marking a historic transformation for the kingdom. Emphasizing Pakistan’s vast economic potential, demographic dividend, strategic location, and abundant natural resources, he expressed gratitude for Pakistan’s warm invitation.

Asserting the eagerness of Saudi companies to expand globally, he envisioned Pakistan as a leading international partner, foreseeing mutual benefits and opportunities.

Accompanying Al-Mubarak’s statement, a high-level Saudi business delegation descended upon Pakistan to ink agreements and MoUs across various sectors, including agriculture, technology, retail, and corporate domains. Comprising heads of over 30 Saudi companies, the delegation aims to bolster foreign investment, infusing fresh momentum into Pakistan-Saudi economic ties, aligning with the vision set during the Prime Minister’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia.

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