Governor Seeks Investment During Meeting with Saudi Ambassador

On Saturday, the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, Nawaf bin Saeed Al Maliki, visited Punjab Governor Sardar Saleem Haider Khan at the Governor House in Lahore. The two leaders discussed topics of mutual interest, including the strong relationship between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and the promotion of Saudi investments in Pakistan.

 Saudi Ambassador Meets Punjab Governor to Discuss Bilateral Relations and Investments

Ambassador Nawaf expressed his affection for Pakistan, calling it his second home, and praised the significant contribution of Pakistani workers to Saudi Arabia’s development.

Governor Saleem Haider emphasized the deep-rooted ties between the two countries, grounded in shared religious and cultural values. He noted that both the Pakistani government and its people hold Saudi Arabia in high regard, appreciating its consistent support during challenging times. The governor encouraged Saudi investors to invest in Pakistan, highlighting the favorable environment for foreign investments. He also mentioned that President Asif Ali Zardari and the current government are committed to increasing foreign investment.

In a later meeting, Governor Punjab met with Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Faisal Karim Kundi. Both governors reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening relations between Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces.

Governor Punjab stressed the importance of collective efforts for the country’s development and stability, urging all political parties, including the opposition, to work together for national prosperity. He highlighted the positive trajectory of the country’s economy and promised to improve communication between the federal and provincial governments.

Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Faisal Karim Kundi, reiterated his focus on the province’s development, law and order, and enhancing public-level communication between the two provinces.

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